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Nearby Places

The bustling town of Negombo has quite a number of things to see and do. However for the curious traveller in search of adventure and more experiences, explore the neighbouring towns while on holiday. Some of the nearby towns to Taru Villas - Riva in Negombo are Waikkal, Katunayake and Ja-Ela and even Colombo, which have a variety of attractions to visit and activities to partake in. Venture out of the town and you’ll find yourself in the quieter locations of the island.

Distance from Negombo to Katunayake

  • 10km
  • 20 minutes

Distance from Negombo to Waikkal

  • 13km
  • 30 minutes

Distance from Negombo to Ja-Ela

  • 20.8km
  • 35 minutes

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